ሽያጭ ጀምረናል! We are selling now!

Luxury Apartment Homes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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ያጭ ጀምረናል፡፡ +251901443333 ይደውሉ!

Call now +25190144 3333 to buy these luxurious apartment units

ሳሎኑ ይህንን ይመስላል

This is the luxury living room

ያጭ ጀምረናል፡፡ +251 901 44 3333ይደውሉ!

Call now +251 901 44 3333  to buy these luxurious apartment units

ሰፊና ልዩ መኝታ ቤቶች ያሉት

Large Bedrooms with unique designs

ሽያጭ ጀምረናል! We are selling now!

Luxury Apartment Homes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
እዚህ ይመዝገቡ

የእግር ኳስ ሜዳ፣ የቅርጫት ኳስ፣ ዋና ገንዳና ጂም ያለው

With Soccer, Basket court, Swimming Pool and Gym
እጅግ ልዩና ተወዳጅ ቪላዎችን የሠራው ሰንራይዝ ሪል ስቴት፣ ከቪላዎቹ ጎን በተለመደው ጥራትና በአበቦች የተዋበ አፓርትመንቶችን ሰርቶ የተወሰኑትን ለሽያጭ አቀረበላችሁ፡፡

ይምጡና ይጎብኙ፣ በጥሩ ሁኔታ እናስተናግድዎታለን፡፡ 

አፓርትመንቶች ውስጥ ሲገቡ፣ ዲሽ ተከላ፣ የዋይፋይና የስልክ መስመር መዘርጋት አይጠበቅብዎትም፡፡ ሁሉም ውስጥ ለውስጥ በጥራት ተሠርቶ:

በሳሎንና በመኝታ ቤት የዲሽ ኬብል፣ 

የኢንተርኮም (የሚመጣ እንግዳ በመጀመሪያ ደውሎ በስክሪን አይተውና አነጋግረው ሲፈቅዱ ብቻ እንዲገባ የሚያደርግ)፣

  • የጥበቃ ካሜራ የተገጠመለት፣
  • የእግር ካስ መጫወቻ ሜዳ፣
  • ባስኬት ቦልና የዋና ገንዳ ያለው፣
  • በውስጡ ክሊኒክ፣
  • የህጻናት ማቆያ፣
  • ሱፐር ማርኬት፣
  • ምግብ ቤት፣
  • ባንክ፣
  • ጂምና ስፓ እንዲሁም ሌሎች አገልግሎቶች ያሉት ነው፡፡
  • We have 360 apartment homes for sale in Addis Ababa, Summit, Near Pepsi Factory. You can call  +251901443333 to schedule your visit now. We are now selling apartment units at fair prices.

Register Here to and get more information about the apartments. Our luxurious apartments for sale have high quality finishing materials, generator for each apartment units, CCTV, Fresh air supply to common area, air sucker, wide windows for brighter rooms, WiFi, telephone and TV Cables pre-installed.

The luxury appartment at Sunrise Real Estate has the following features:

  • Separate Parking Building
  • WiFi and telephone Line
  • CCTV cable pre-installed
  • Football field
  • Basket Ball court
  • Gym
  • Spa
  • Jogging track
  • Day Care Service
  • Clinic and pharmacy
  • Restaurant and Supermarket
  • Bank / Insurance
  • Many more

Our lovely Villas are all rented out. We will have apartments for rent soon.

Our Villas are all rented out.

We have 34 G+1 Villas and have been rented out for long term. To book your apartment for rent and Click Here. 
Sunrise apartments ready for sale now. You may call +251901443333 to buy the near to competition Luxury apartments.
Deal Sunrise Real Estate fans and followers,
Sunrise Real Estate has now started selling the long waited apartments. Limited apartments are available for sale, with first comes first served, with option to pick your spot and choose the apartment suitable for you. You can schedule you visit and see unsold apartment homes, which are over 70% completed.
Changes made to designs:
– We have been receiving comments for the last 14 months, while constructing your luxury apartment in Addis Ababa. This is to inform you that we have taken your comments into consideration and made the following changes to satisfy the interests of most home buyers. 
– The three Ground tennis courts are replaced by a mini-soccer and basketball court including few parking area, as seen in the design.
– The community center inside the compound is now replaced with more parking spaces and the parking building will be fully available for parking only.
As sales are now in progress, please note that the apartments are to be completed as per the new changed designs posted from today and all previous posts do not apply.
– Please schedule your visit or send someone if you are overseas, see the view from your apartment and choose your preferred apartment home.

Call +251 901 44 3333 for more information.

About us

Sunrise Real Estate is a private company engaged in real estate, construction (Grade1), Construction machineries rental and in hospitality in Ethiopia.

Based on our international existence, we deliver quality and professionally designed real estate’s to Addis dwellers, and Ethiopian diasporas through sales or rental of the same properties so that our customers will find better house units with the necessary facilities that includes green areas and parking, among others. This includes providing G+1 villas and apartment houses in a reasonable price.

To be a reputable company in delivering quality real estate and services in Ethiopia.

  • Serving the next Generation
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Grade one construction
  • Real Estate rental and Apartment sells
  • Construction Machineries Rental
Our social responsibility feeling emanates from the need to build quality houses that can serve the next generation. As a result, building quality houses is a rule that comes from deep understanding of our role and the contribution we can make for the socio-economic development of the nation.

ያጭ ጀምረናል፡፡ +251 901 44 3333 3ይደውሉ!

Call now +251 901 44 0011 to buy these luxurious apartment units

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few frequently asked questions. You can ask for anything down at the bottom of this page. We will respnond as soon as possible.

Are apartments for sale now?

Yes, we are selling apartments now Click Here to buy.

Is there apartment for rent?
Yes, we will have furnished apartments for rent too. Register to get notification on rentals when construction is completed.

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Sunrise at Sunrise

Beautiful Sunrise in the Morning

A view from the appartment

Beside the Beautiful Villas for Rent

A view from the Villas, just before Sunrise

Sunrise Lights Reflecting through

You have to see it, to undertand the beauty

Coming more brighter

Just before more heat and light comes all over the place

12 + 1 =

በ +251 901 44 3333 ይደውሉ! ከጥሩ መስተንግዶ ጋር እናሳይዎታለን፡፡

Join a lovely community, a home away from home

Make an appointment today, call +251 901 44 3333